Friday, September 30, 2005

Pallas Athena

Don't you ever wonder who Pallas Athena is? I mean, when I first read the book, I keep asking myself "Are we talking about Athena or Pallas?" It confused me at first but since my group was assigned greek mythology and I'm encyclopedia brown, I did research on most of the things I saw in the The Odyssey. One of those questions was "Who was Pallas Athena?". I knew who Athena was...she was a goddess. I just had never known her as being called Pallas.

So I did my research and found out a great deal. The reason for the extra name was because when Athena was small, she had a playmate named Pallas. One day, the two girls were in a mock duel and Athena accidently killed Pallas (yeah I can you accidently kill someone? *rolls eyes*). Athena was so sad that she added her playmates name to her own and was there forth called Pallas Athena. So at this particular moment, I feel very smart for figuring that out. I should continue reading. Just wanted to update those of you who didn't know. And if you did know...act like you didn't. It'll help build my self-esteem *laughs*.

By the way, this is a really good site on greek mythology. It could help you understand The Odyssey a tad bit more:

This site explains everything there is to know about the Trojan War:

The History of the Trojan War

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

It's Not So "Fluffy" As I Thought!

So far that I've read in The Odyssey, it's been really good. I thought it was going to written in "fluffy" language (you Shakespeare writes his books) and it was going to have words as big as my head but it's nothing of the sort. The only big words I saw was Telemachus. Speaking of Telemachus, is he allowed to take his father's place as king? And also, he seems much to sensitive and small to act so mighty and kingly. Yes I do understand that he is the man of the house and must take precise precautions in running his house but have the right of ordering your mother around? Now that's just bizarre. If I even thought of telling my mother to go back to her father's house and go marry someone else because my father was gone, heck...I would be asked to leave the house!
It is written in verses and when I first opened the book I thought it was going to be written as a poem. Before you start to say "It is written in a poem", take it from my view of what a poem is before we all start this discussion on what a poem is (again).

My picture of a poem is it rhymes (most of the time) and is written in alliterations most of the time. But this sort of "poem" is like a story where, even though there are verses, it doesn't rhyme. In conclusion, the book is alright...I just have to start thinking of what I'm going to write for the essay due next week. Well I have to go and read more...need to get up to at least pg. 200. Any comments, hit me up. (Besides, you have to..Faughey said you had to make at least one comment in everyone's might as well get it over with now...)

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Questions for Mythology

First questions for english class from the book Mythology:

1) Why did the Greeks decide to believe in gods in human form?
2) Why did the Greek's accept Zeus' new image that was portrayed if they didn't like it?

Any ideas...hit me up.