Because this is African culture and I hardly know anything about it, I was getting very confused in this book. I thought I go about the internet and find out the answer to my questions. I've been wondering for a while what exactly a kola nut is. "Kola is a stimulant, comparable to very strong tea or coffee, which is served on most social occasions in this culture. It is also one ingredient after which Coca Cola is named." (Taken from this website: Information on Things Fall Apart) That was interesting and it seems that it's a refreshment for visitors and guests.
Also, I wanted to know if the Ibo people were real and in truth they are. Africa is such a large continent it's hard to find where anything is. Take a long at the Ibo region below (pretty big)

It's really small but so far, it's the only map I could truly find. I always thought the villages were small but I suppose I was incorrect. I tried looking for the infamous Evil Forest where Okonkwo's father was killed and where twins are left to die there, but again, its very small and very difficult to reach much of anything. These Ibo tribes are a miracle. They've gone through so much yet they are still standing with all their culture still in tack. Achebe shows in this book a clear cut span of history to the before and the aftermath of when the Christians come out to their region to spread their faith (I haven't read that part but when I was reading the information, there were a lot of spoilers. I'm looking forward to when the white missionaries come)